I'll have to outsmart loading fast loading necessary appropriate steps to speed up loading the blog. During its development, the owner of the blog in an effort to speed up loading the blog they usually remove some of the widgets / gadgets are considered less important in their blog.Indeed, this is useful to minimize size blog so that it will automatically speed up loading the blog. Many people believe that if a blog has the weight of a small size then loading it will be a quick blog. In other words, the smaller the weight of a blog it will be sooner loading process.
1. Please visit http://www.webtoolhub.com/tn561353-website-speed-test.aspx
to find out how fast your blog loading
2. Log in to Blogger
3. Click the Template
4. Click the Edit HTML
5. Click the Continue
6. Find the code </ head> by pressing ctrl + F on your keyboard
7. Copy the code below and place it on top of the code </ head>
<script charset='utf-8' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/><script src='http://cuerosb.googlecode.com/files/cueros%20-lazyload.js' type='text/javascript'/><script charset='utf-8' type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {$("img").lazyload({placeholder : "https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiQgMXNBkq9N68CtHnAzZpe9_CIy9RihVCiM2tRCtfueABjgCU0ndoxa5ttAfbpZ5VvHYUuLIWAWOcQ0Ozf7WscJlt3b2pm57peaU6L8RnRTumdx78fuKfYfGz_SAEODFw-ui4BaCOUEfE/",threshold: 200});}); </script>
8. Click Preview
9. After click Preview, if the look of your blog there's no impropriety (fine) please click Save Template
10. However, if after the click preview display your blog apparently "broken" there is a "flaw" Empty Result please click Edit then click Save Template
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